Sunday, September 25, 2011

Water Glass

My object in the water does reflect my personal choice of loving horses. But the horse preforming the spanish walk is a statement reflecting my favorite sayings “March On”. No matter how you word it from March On, Life Goes On, to Go With the Flow, that is a very important saying that I live by and try to teach to others. If I have to do a do-over I would want to fix my horse; I wanted the horse the be the main work, and eye catching. I didn't do a good job on the colors and tones of the horse. But I think my glass itself looks really well done. My goals for this piece was to work on colors and making my horse look like a real horse. I didn't accomplish my goals but I can learn from my mistakes and try again in my next work. My picture is about the light; the drama the light creates when it hits the horse is supposed to be the main part. The most difficult part of this was the horse, I meet the challenge by just painting shapes. My glass really makes the painting work. I think I can learn from my coloring for the next painting. I didn't try to emulate any artist, I just did what I do, my style.

Friday, September 23, 2011